January 08, 2013

V8 Ham Spaghetti (火腿 V8 炒意粉)

说起做意大利粉,就会想起那几个小时繁琐的烹饪过程。每次都要等到周末才做,而且每次都做一大堆,分装好放进冷冻,慢慢吃。一次去看医生,坐在候诊室等了近2个小时(还是有预约的); 无奈期间翻阅了几本杂志,发现了这个方子。回家一试,不但简单快捷,且人人喜欢。之后经常做,而且进行了一系列的改进。原方子用灌装西红柿,我改用新鲜的;原方子用鸡汤,我改用原味V8;原方子用培根,我改用火腿。V8 含有大量的营养元素,我用原味的,是因为1灌原味V8所含的盐量,已经可以满足这个方子了。

分量: 两人
准备时间: 5 分钟
烹饪时间: 25 分钟

西红柿             2 个 (中等大),切成拇指大的粒
洋葱                 1 个 (中等大),切碎
蒜头                 1 瓣 (中等大),切碎
火腿                 1 杯,切成小指大的粒
V8 (原味)        1灌 340ml
菜油                 2 茶匙

意粉                 2份
盐                     1 汤勺
水                     一大锅


准备A料: 在煮意粉的同时,将一中号的煎锅中火预热,倒入菜油;菜油热后放入洋葱,将洋葱炒至透明,大约4-5分钟;调大火加入蒜头和火腿,将火腿炒至金黄,大约4-5分钟;加入西红柿和V8,搅匀加盖。中低火煮10分钟, 期间搅几次。关火。

将煮好的意粉捞起,放入A料煎锅内,搅匀; 如果太干,可加2汤勺煮意粉的水。 上碟。

If you don't have time to cook, if you are in the rush, this is the perfect dish for you.  It's super easy and everybody will love it, specially men and kids. For health purpose, I use V8. It has tons of nutrition. I did not add any salt in the sauce, because original V8 has already enough sodium for whole recipe; and when I boil spaghetti, I added salt. Sometime I prepare a simple salad goes with this dish.

Servings: 2
Prepare time:  5 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes

2                          Tomato (medium size), diced into thumb size
1                          Onion (medium size), chopped
1                          Clove of garlic (finely chopped)
1cup                     Ham
1can 340ml           V8, original
2 teaspoon            Canola oil

2 servings             Spaghetti
1 tablespoon         Salt
1 pot                     Water

Prepare B: high heat bring a pot of water over boil, put in salt and spaghetti, continue to boil in medium high heat to the desired tenderness, about 16-18 minutes.

Prepare A: while preparing B, medium heat warm up a saucepan, add in oil and onion, saute onion till transparent about 4-5 minutes; adjust to high heat, add in garlic and ham, saute till golden about 4-5 minutes; pour in diced tomato and V8, mix well then put lid on. Medium low heat cook for 10 minutes, stir occasionally. Turn off the heat.

Drain the cooked spaghetti, safe some the spaghetti water; pour the spaghetti into saucepan; mix well. If you feel the sauce is too dry, add some spaghetti water. If you like add some parmesan cheese. And enjoy.

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